Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's Resolution #1

Well, I know what you are she really going to do she going to blog?  Yes...yes, I am!  My #1 New Year's Resolution for 2012 is to blog it up.  Why? You ask.  Well, it all started when I got an email from a friend last week, needing an Alyssa (plus family) update.  A week later, when I sat down to type a three page email, I realized there may be other friends out there that are wondering, what in the world has happened to Alyssa Johnson.  I must admit that I have become preoccupied with many, work, friends..I have heard it all before.  But truly, I am a very busy woman.

So, it started this very evening that I opened the Jeremy and Alyssa + 2 website that has not seen a post since August 27, 2010.  Really? (In my best Kristi voice--only some of you will get this joke of course.)  I read the three posts that were on the blog and realized that more than anything that I missed writing.  I really love to write, and especially about things that I love like my family, friends, my faith, my work, everything.  So at precisely, 12:01am on January 5th 2012, I resolute to blog at least once a week on the comings and goings of the Johnson home.  I will start my next post at precisely 12:02.

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