Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ethan Update

Current Age: 6 years old
Grade: 1
Newest Love: Angry Birds
Favorite Show: Lego Ningago
Favorite Food: Cheese Burger

Ethan has been seriously growing by leaps and bounds.  Every six months he is going up a shoe size and has grown at least 1-2 inches.  We have two loose front bottom teeth, which he is very excited about. He cannot wait for his first tooth fairy visit.  Ethan loves computer time, wii, legos, star wars, and now Angry Birds!  He's obsessed...I tell you.  His sweet heart usually makes him the victim between the quarrels of himself and his sister.  He is definitely introverted at times, but once you get to know him...whoa!  Ethan is also extremely mathematical and a problem solver and a master negotiator.  He tries to wiggle out of so many chores it is ridiculous!  Overall, he is still my precious baby boy who loves his tlc from mama.  I love that boy!

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