Friday, August 27, 2010

The First Week of School

We made it...we survived...Ethan's teacher is still breathing!!! Ethan and I had a great first week! Ethan has been so excited this week and absolutely adores his teacher. He started the week really strong...but by about Thursday he didn't know about this kindergarten business...because..did you know... you have to go everyday!
Well I was super excited that I was at the same school with Ethan on his first day. I had to be there early to help guide my students to my classroom, so Jerm and his Mom took Ethan to his class. When Jeremy took him in, he said Ethan was quiet but decided to share with his teacher, "Did you know I can make myself into a ball?" He then proceeded to lie on the floor and make himself into a ball. Yep...that's my boy. I am proud to be the parent of a ball! Anyway, I was able to go and check on him during my conference time and It was so wonderful that I could do that. I haven't checked on him anymore this week, but have seen him in the halls a couple of times. I think it is the comfort of knowing that we are so close that gives me peace of mind.
On the first day, Ethan's teacher helped him find his way down to my classroom after school...but Tuesday and on he has made it all by himself. He is even starting to warm up to the kids in my class by giving them high fives on their way out the door. I'm personally loving Kindergarten. Ethan comes home so tired that I never thought I would see the day that he would be exhausted. This morning when I was waking him up for school...he was telling me he was soooo tired. So, I promised him that tomorrow we could sleep as long as we wanted. I say "we" because dude I'm tired too.
Every year I forget how exhausting the first week can be. I think it was especially exhausting for me because I was learning a lot with my class this week too. Every day it gets better and I become a little more acclimated to my new school. But, I have to say that when I left on the first day of school with Ethan...I knew right then and there that my move to Forest Ridge was the result of divine intervention. I felt so good and at home. It was as if God was affirming to me that not only did I make a good choice, but that I was following his path. I have found a peace that I thought would take me years to find. Thank you Dear Lord.
This morning I came into my room and I had this awesome basket from my Principal and Asst. Principal with all kinds of cool stuff in it. They had included a note to thank me for a good job my first week and to let me know that if I needed anything they would be there for me. How awesome is that? Ethan thought it was especially cool, so he decided that he needed to share the basket with me and took everything he needed. Luckily he left me all the cool teacher supply stuff and only needed the candy and snacks.
Anyway...thank you all for your prayers and kind words over the last months as I have been transitioning. They definitely worked, because my prayers have been answered.

1 comment:

  1. "Did you know I can make myself into a ball?" -- LOL. So very happy for you that all is well.
