Monday, January 9, 2012

Ethan Lost His First Tooth!

Well, the tooth fairy is making her first appearance in the Johnson home tonight.  We have one excited little boy.  He was was in tears when he realized his tooth finally came was Mommy.

These are my most favorite first lost tooth quotes from Ethan:

"I just can't believe it!  I lost my first tooth."

"Can you take a picture and send it to Ms. Rodgriguez so she can show the class?"
(I think he forgot that he will be there in person tomorrow.)

"Do you think the tooth fairy will leave me two hundred dollars?"
(Not a typo.  I know you were thinking that I meant two dollars..not so.  My son is an entrepreneur.)

"I can eat cheeseburgers again!"

What an exciting night for us!  I cannot lie.  My heart is a little broken at the thought that my baby boy is growing up even more.  I remember how painful it was just to get those cute little teeth...and soon they will be all gone.  Well, we have one more loose tooth that shows signs of evacuation by the end of the week.  I'll keep you updated!

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