Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Emily Update

Current Age: 3
Grade: Preschool
Newest Love: Make-up and shoes
Favorite Show: Barbie Movies
Favorite Food: Chicken Noodle Soup

3 years old going on 16 just about sums up Emily.  My little precious angel is the smallest diva I know.  She is tough, bossy, and does not mind telling you what is on her mind.  At the same time she is the sweetest creature you will ever meet.  She will love and kiss on you many times a day (and not because she is wearing lipstick). She has a sweet heart and is truly a great kid.   Emily this year has started writing her name.  Yes, you will find Emily's name many places.  If you leave a pen, pencil, marker in the near vicinity of this child, she will leave her autograph.  She also has become especially fascinated with Justin Bieber, who she claims is her boyfriend.  She wanted a cardboard cut out for Christmas of the Biebster...but I had to put my foot down on that one. Emily also started dance classes this year. They seriously cost an arm and a leg, but they are totally worth it.  Emily loves it and is actually learning to dance.  She did give an impromptu performance on the stage at Chuck E Cheese.  It was nicely choreographed for a three year old.  Anyway, if you come across Emily in the near future...all I can say is, steer clear!

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