Saturday, January 14, 2012

Future Site of the Johnson Home

 One day...hopefully this year we will be moving to our future home here!  The subdivision is called King Oaks.  It is about 4 miles outside of College Station and about 10 miles from our current house in Castlegate. I am not going to lie.  I was very hesitant about moving this far out of town, but when you get out there it is just so peaceful.  You don't hear cars, or sirens, or people.....just the beautiful sounds of nature. The lot is over 2 acres and has a nice little pond on it.  The kids absolutely love it and Jeremy is super excited.  I think it will be the hardest for me to transition to the new lot, but when I get my dream house I know I won't even think twice. We already have the blueprints ready for the new house, so all we are waiting for is to sell our house in Castlegate.  We have had a ton of showings lately so we are hoping that it will happen soon.  Please say prayers that our house will sell soon! :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Ethan Lost His First Tooth!

Well, the tooth fairy is making her first appearance in the Johnson home tonight.  We have one excited little boy.  He was was in tears when he realized his tooth finally came was Mommy.

These are my most favorite first lost tooth quotes from Ethan:

"I just can't believe it!  I lost my first tooth."

"Can you take a picture and send it to Ms. Rodgriguez so she can show the class?"
(I think he forgot that he will be there in person tomorrow.)

"Do you think the tooth fairy will leave me two hundred dollars?"
(Not a typo.  I know you were thinking that I meant two dollars..not so.  My son is an entrepreneur.)

"I can eat cheeseburgers again!"

What an exciting night for us!  I cannot lie.  My heart is a little broken at the thought that my baby boy is growing up even more.  I remember how painful it was just to get those cute little teeth...and soon they will be all gone.  Well, we have one more loose tooth that shows signs of evacuation by the end of the week.  I'll keep you updated!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Emily Update

Current Age: 3
Grade: Preschool
Newest Love: Make-up and shoes
Favorite Show: Barbie Movies
Favorite Food: Chicken Noodle Soup

3 years old going on 16 just about sums up Emily.  My little precious angel is the smallest diva I know.  She is tough, bossy, and does not mind telling you what is on her mind.  At the same time she is the sweetest creature you will ever meet.  She will love and kiss on you many times a day (and not because she is wearing lipstick). She has a sweet heart and is truly a great kid.   Emily this year has started writing her name.  Yes, you will find Emily's name many places.  If you leave a pen, pencil, marker in the near vicinity of this child, she will leave her autograph.  She also has become especially fascinated with Justin Bieber, who she claims is her boyfriend.  She wanted a cardboard cut out for Christmas of the Biebster...but I had to put my foot down on that one. Emily also started dance classes this year. They seriously cost an arm and a leg, but they are totally worth it.  Emily loves it and is actually learning to dance.  She did give an impromptu performance on the stage at Chuck E Cheese.  It was nicely choreographed for a three year old.  Anyway, if you come across Emily in the near future...all I can say is, steer clear!

Ethan Update

Current Age: 6 years old
Grade: 1
Newest Love: Angry Birds
Favorite Show: Lego Ningago
Favorite Food: Cheese Burger

Ethan has been seriously growing by leaps and bounds.  Every six months he is going up a shoe size and has grown at least 1-2 inches.  We have two loose front bottom teeth, which he is very excited about. He cannot wait for his first tooth fairy visit.  Ethan loves computer time, wii, legos, star wars, and now Angry Birds!  He's obsessed...I tell you.  His sweet heart usually makes him the victim between the quarrels of himself and his sister.  He is definitely introverted at times, but once you get to know him...whoa!  Ethan is also extremely mathematical and a problem solver and a master negotiator.  He tries to wiggle out of so many chores it is ridiculous!  Overall, he is still my precious baby boy who loves his tlc from mama.  I love that boy!

New Year's Resolution #1

Well, I know what you are she really going to do she going to blog?  Yes...yes, I am!  My #1 New Year's Resolution for 2012 is to blog it up.  Why? You ask.  Well, it all started when I got an email from a friend last week, needing an Alyssa (plus family) update.  A week later, when I sat down to type a three page email, I realized there may be other friends out there that are wondering, what in the world has happened to Alyssa Johnson.  I must admit that I have become preoccupied with many, work, friends..I have heard it all before.  But truly, I am a very busy woman.

So, it started this very evening that I opened the Jeremy and Alyssa + 2 website that has not seen a post since August 27, 2010.  Really? (In my best Kristi voice--only some of you will get this joke of course.)  I read the three posts that were on the blog and realized that more than anything that I missed writing.  I really love to write, and especially about things that I love like my family, friends, my faith, my work, everything.  So at precisely, 12:01am on January 5th 2012, I resolute to blog at least once a week on the comings and goings of the Johnson home.  I will start my next post at precisely 12:02.