Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I'm Back!!!!

Well, I regret to inform you that the former "Jeremy and Alyssa +2" that chronicled the life of the Johnson family through the ups and downs, births, birthdays, naked dancing (not me of course), first days of school, and so forth is no more. Many of you may have tried to go to my old blog and found that it was not there. Well, long story short....Jeremy accidentally deleted it. I know. I've already cried about it. He did try to get it back. He emailed blogger and bugged and bugged, but no response. My precious memories are somewhere in cyberspace lost in a technological black hole. :(

So....here I am two months later ( a good period of mourning) ready to start anew. I really love my blog and want to continue to chronicle the happenings of the Johnson family. So...if you did not notice this address is a tad different. My new blog address is www.alyssaandjeremy.blogspot.com
I just switched our names around so it would have to same feel as the old.

So let's get with it. I have lots that I could blog about like new job, my bro coming home from Afghanistan, wrecking my car, 30th birthday...but it would just be too exhausting to back track all of these events so we are starting with today.

Today was Emily's first day of school at her new daycare. You would think that I have this down pat. I have done this before, but I still cried like a baby. She was doing so good too. She was excited and pumped and ready to go. We got there and she went right to her room and started to play. I told her bye and she said "bye mama." Then it hit her...and the lip turned. You know that is the worst. I hate the lip. It can break a heart in a second flat. Jeremy immediately instructed me to leave the room. I couldn't even tell the director good bye as I walked out, because she would see me crying. I know...such a cry baby, but you try being a Mom!!! It is hard!!! Well, one thing that I love about this new daycare is that it has webcams in the classroom, so you can check on your little one. What a relief! Except I couldn't get me phone to load the correct settings. It was killing me!!! I had to see that she was okay. Luckily, one of my new co-workers has children that are attending the same daycare and was able to pull up the webcam on her phone. I was able to check on my precious as I saw her eat her lunch and take a nap. Whew!!!!

While Emily had her first day...I too had my first day of work as a new employee of College Station ISD. This week I am participating in a new employee induction. It feels kind of nice to be considered a new teacher again...cause it has been a while. I was extremely flattered when people would ask me if it was my first year teaching...do you know how long it has been since some one has asked me that? Let's just put it this way...a long time. Today's training was pretty much a review, but it was really nice to meet people and start networking. All of the people I have met have been extremely nice. I also got a really nice teaching bag today too and some cool pens. Can you tell that I have been teaching for a while? Yes, bags and pens will do it for me. I am really excited about this school year. I am still pretty lost in many aspects but I am excited about all that I will learn. It was definitely time for a change. I am ready for something different and to expand my horizons as a professional. And those of you that know me on a professional and personal level, know that I am always willing to try something new (especially if it's cool!) And I have come to the conclusion that Forest Ridge is definitely cool--cause they hired me, right? Well, to all my teacher peeps out there....I hope that you all have a great school year and that you too will be able to grow and try new things!